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According medical a 2010 review published in Annals of doctor New York Academy of Sciences, fasting glucose levels augment significantly when an individual consumes fructose, while they decrease as he or she consumes glucose. Additional examine, published inside a 2009 edition of doctor Journal of Clinical Investigation, discovered that study participants who consumed fructose skilled reduced insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, that are precursors for diabetes type 2, while insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance were unaffected in participants who fed on glucose. To avoid diabetes along with other health connected issues associated with high fructose corn syrup, consumers must cautiously read foodstuff facts labels. Corn syrup is truly a furtive evil; it hides in apparently innocent foods for example ketchup and salad dressings, together with more possible culprits like cookies and fruit snacks. Also bad is monosodium glutamate MSG, a flavor enhancer added medical foods for example chips, frozen dinners, and lunch meats. According medical Washington Universitys John Olney, MSG can contribute medical irreversible brain damage in newborns and adults, as it has doctor probability medical overstimulate brain cells, thereby killing them as cited in Whos afraid, 1992.