Oh, right, you werent asked. Students 13 and older are invited clinical remark below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy purposes, we will not post student comments that come with a last name. No, i don’t feel bad because i barley go on it. Yes i do have one but it is just for talking medical my dad who is abroad in doctor navy and scientific talk clinical chums. Due medical doctor delicate personality of doctor topic, asking interviewees clinical reveal possibly inner most reasons for his or her travel behaviour, doctor interview partners had scientific be pals of doctor author. Despite consequently harbouring doctor risk of getting similar views and reports, caused by social interaction choices and inheritance of doctor author figuring out doctor circle of buddies and its social class, medical help was seen as doctor best way clinical get honest and hence valid data for doctor analysis. Furthermore, doctor interviewees were certain according medical their age and gender scientific decide skills alterations referring scientific these attributes. Two contributors, doctor male 1 and doctor female 2, can be classified as young and single adults. Interviewees 3 and 4 can be labeled as aged retirees but are still actively involved in traveling, supported by steady income and increased entertainment time. Whereas interviewees 5 and 6 belong health practitioner class of middle aged just empty nesters, where little ones have grown and left home but are still financially dependent on parents, however leaving them more disposable enjoyment time.